Access and Equity in Action!

Digital access for everyone!

Over the past year and a half, we've all seen how important it is to have access to a computer and the internet, whether it's for our job, our classes or our social lives.

We've heard from many of our clients that this transition has been challenging, and many folks want to develop their digital literacy skills so that they can access these communities that have gone remote. That's why we recently hired Alex Calero as our Digital Literacy Specialist, and why we're surveying our clients and staff to identify their digital literacy needs. Using the survey results, Alex will create classes that teach the digital skills that clients want to learn. Stay tuned!

New faces in ICS interviews

When someone interviews at ICS, they don't just meet the hiring managers. Through an initiative to include the voices of our clients in decision making at ICS, we've brought on 6 Hiring Consultants: individuals served by ICS who attend interviews and give their advice on hiring decisions. All of our hiring consultants are strong self-advocates who share their opinions and experiences in order to strengthen ICS.