Happy holidays from Integrated Community Services (ICS)! We truly appreciate your continued support as we partner with 300+ individuals with any type of disability on their path to independence, from building a career, to securing stable housing, to becoming active in our community.

Over the last year:

72 of 113

People served in our Independent Living Skills program are living independently.

110 of 120

People served in our Employment Programs are employed.


People participated in our 11 community-based social clubs.

Each year, we grow our programs to create more opportunities for people with disabilities. In 2020, we are excited to launch a new social enterprise program, Homegrown Organics.

  • Our clients will gain in-depth agriculture and business knowledge, be paid a living wage, have opportunities for promotions and ultimately be able to move off of public benefits.

  • Our community will have the opportunity to work closely with and get to know people with disabilities, leading to increased job opportunities for our clients.

  • Our organization will earn income from this social enterprise program, moving us closer towards our goal of reducing our dependency on government funding.

Homegrown Organics will offer permanent employment for ICS clients who are interested in the high-demand field of sustainable agriculture. Currently, ICS offers six months of paid job training at our garden, GEM, which teaches clients career skills and basic horticulture. However, many GEM graduates are eager to build careers in sustainable agriculture but need to build further expertise and qualifications. Homegrown Organics will teach that expertise.

Because this program will provide permanent employment, it isn’t eligible for public funding. We need your support to raise $20,000 for initial supplies and clients’ salaries. Homegrown Organics will break even in its second year, so your donation will not only launch this program, but make it financially sustainable. You can donate online with the link below or by check to 3020 Kerner Blvd., Ste. A, San Rafael, CA 94901.

On behalf of our clients, staff and partners, thank you and happy holidays!

These four individuals began partnering with ICS as clients and because of their hard work and dedication, they are now ICS employees!

Your donation will allow us to continue creating career pathways for people with disabilities.



Casey began partnering with ICS in 2015 and was a client of every one of our programs, including Employment, Independent Living, Mental Health and GEM. Casey was hired as staff in 2016 because of his patience with others, his kind and respectful attitude and his eagerness to learn. Casey has been promoted multiple times and is now the GEM Site Supervisor.



Renee entered GEM’s job-training program in 2017. Her amazing organizational skills and clear aptitude for teaching others led GEM to hire her as a Peer Coach later that year. Renee has a unique ability to build rapport with every client, a valuable trait because of the diverse population that GEM serves.



Sarah became a client at GEM in 2016. Throughout her time in the job-training program, GEM staff recognized that the work really suited Sarah. With her confidence, communication and teamwork skills always increasing, Sarah was hired as a Team Member in 2018. Sarah loves getting the CSA bags together, emailing customers and doing produce deliveries.


Kurt first became a client at ICS in 2005 through our mental health services. When a Peer Coach position opened up at GEM, Kurt was recommended for the job because of his love for being in the garden and his dependability. This is Kurt’s first job since 2009, and since he was hired earlier this year, he continues to open up and share his insights with the team.